Bad Genes in English Fiction Stories by Anmol Dewnagry books and stories PDF | A Wedding Ep - 1

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A Wedding Ep - 1

A Wedding Ep-1

In A Hospital

A woman was lying down in a hospital admit room bed. That time she heard to someone door knocking.

" Who?", Woman asked with a slow voice.

She received an answer." I am." She recognized that voice and said," Come in." On the door was a nurse.

Nurse came into the room and took the medical general of the woman that was placed on the left-hand side table of woman bed.

" How are you?", Nurse asked the woman.

The woman replied," I am fine." The nurse again asked," You took your medicine?"

The woman replied, "Yes I have taken."

Before the nurse asked anything else, woman asked while looking at the baby swing on the right side of her bed," Have all tested done my child."

"Yeah.", Nurse replied. Woman asked again," And reports?"

Nurse replied," Reports can come any time." Then only again someone knocked room's door and nurse replied," Come in." Some people entered the room wearing black coats. Nurse said to those," What happened?" In those persons, man who was senior all of them, replied," Thread."

Nurse replied, "Ok."

And a person with a black coat started to take the child from the swing. Woman said, "Where are you taking away my child? My child all tests have been done already. Stop! "

A senior black coat man said with shouting," It's a Thread."

Woman said with crying, "No ..!.. You... you... don't... don't do can do this with my child. " And woman said with Screaming," Stop...Stop...” The woman tries to stand up from the bed but nurse caught her.

Those black coats people carried that child with them. That woman started crying hard. The nurse started trying to convince that women and said her," Don't worry about it .Only 20% child born like a Thread. It was very important to do for our society…"

Alice's house

A girl was sleeping on bed her room. It room was decorated with beauty. It room may be a dream room for a 20 year old girl. Than a woman entered the room, and open the curtains of window and said," Alice wake up, now morning have been."

After opening the window curtain, Alice had a touch of light on her face and she changes her position in her sleep. That woman came near Alice's bed and she said her with shaking her," Alice wake up, today is wedding you. You can't late for come in your wedding."

Alice woke up in her bed and said, "Good morning mom." Alice asked her mother, "Who is he? Do you know him?"

Her mom replied," What about are you asking?"

Alice said, "The one who will marry me. Do you know him?"

Her mom replied," My daughter you already know that all weddings are fixed by council. So no one knows about her future life partner."

Alice started thinking," How strange thing, we don't know about her future life partner? Who’s he? How does he look? Will he handsome? "

Alice mom said with shouting," Now you don't sit here. Let's get ready.

Alice asked her Mom," Mom, your and Dad's wedding also was fixed by council."

Alice's Mom replied," Yes, and I am happy with your Dad. Don't worry, council never do anything that a person hurt. Council will have selected good for you. He will really be good person. Let's go get ready."

Alice got up from the bed and reached the hall of her house where her father was sitting in a chair. Alice said, "Good morning Dad."

Her father replied with a small laughter," Good morning dear. Where is your mom? She went to wake up you in your room."

Alice replied, "She is still in my room. She will sonly come here."

Alice's father said, "Okay. You have a wedding today so get ready hurry."

Alice replied, "Okay dad."

And Alice went to get ready for wedding. When Alice returned from her room getting ready in the hall, her parents were already standing in the hall. Seeing Like, her parents gave her a small smile and her father said, "You look too beautiful in this red gown."

Alice and her parents got out in the house and sited in their car. Alice's father said to his driver, "Let’s go Council."

In Car

Driver replied, "Okay Sir." And the car started moving. Alice was looking some sad in the car, May be she was lost in her deep thought. Her mother was sitting next to her watching her. Her mother called her name, "Alice... Alice...Alice..."

Alice looked at her mother with shocked and said," What’s happen Mom."

Alice's Mom asked her," Are you being afraid. Don't afraid, all will be good."

Alice gave her mother a small smile and said, "I'm not being afraid. Now I am somewhat upset. Because I will go to live with an unknown person now and now I never live with you."

Alice's father also sat next to her and was listening to both of them. He looked at Alice and placing hand on her head and said, "My daughter, you always remember you will live anywhere, we always love you .Because you are our brave girl."

Alice's mother tickling her head said," We are lucky that we have a daughter like you."

On Road

Suddenly, a boy came running in front of Alice's car, seeing that the driver stopped the car. Alice came out in the car and asked the boy, "Are you hurting."

But, that time some black coat peoples also reached there running and said," leave him."

Alice's father shocked to see those and said, "Alice came back in car."

A Black coat people catch that boy and said," Now ... you trapped in our hand. How will you escape."

That time Alice saw a black book on that boy's hand. She never saw this book before. Before Alice understood anything, other black coat person catch her both hands.

"What are you doing with this guy?" That black coat person asked her.

Alice's father was afraid and he also came out in the car with her Mom.

Her father said with fear," No... No... Sir some misunderstanding have happened you. We are... we are not with that boy."

A senior black coat man came there and put his hand forwarding said," Hay... I am Inspector Shirvan Nayal."

Alice's father also forward his hand for hand to shake with hesitation and said," Inspector it's only a coincidence. We are not with that guy."

Shirvan asked," Okay..., Can you explain what all of you doing here and who all of you?"

"I am Yuki Neema, My wife Meling Kimi and my daughter Alice Kimi is going of council for wedding. There, My daughter marriage today." Alice's father said.

Boy told with trying to be free," Leave me..." and who catching that boy said with tight his grip to boy, "Now you will not run away."

"Leave this girl and her family. And take this boy" Shirvan said. Who black coat person catching Alice's both hand he released her. All the black coat people left their path. Alice came back in the car with her mom.

When all black coat people started going there, than Yuki asked with curiosity," Inspector what is done by this boy? Can you say something or not?"

Shirvan looked at Yuki with a stare. Yuki simmered, and said with falter tongue and head down," If I asked an invalid question, I apologize to you."

"No... You are not asking any invalid question. In Fact everybody should know what kind of crime done by that boy." Shirvan said.

And Shirvan snatched that book from the boy's hand, and said showing Yuki," You know this book."

"No... I never saw this book before. What kind of this book." Yuki asked.

Shirvan replied, "This book a religion book. As you already know this type of stuff banned in Jodo. This dumb boy was thinking that if he would read it book, we would not know anything. Now we will give punishment him." And all black coat people went from there.

Yuki also came back in the car and said to driver," Let's go." Alice went to afraid and when Yuki came back in the car she asked," Who was that boy? Why did the soldiers capture him?"

Yuki said hugging her," Don't worry my daughter. Nothing happened. Now... now... you should only focus on your wedding." Alice some calmed down and the car started to move.

Council Ground

When car reached council, driver said," Sir, we reached."

Alice's parents started to look around after came out the car.

"Meling, this place how much have changed now." Yuki said.

Meling responded," Said true. Look in front... Which park is visible... had not existed before here. I suppose, that fountain which in the park. That was not also placed there."

No dear, that fountain was placed there also before. You remember? We met first-time nearby fountain on our wedding day." Yuki said."

And Meling looked at Yuki with his stuffed eyes and said," Yes I came to remember. That day... that day our cars collapsed each other cars."

"Yes, and so our parents had been a small fight, and that time we didn't know, we are about to be life partners each other." Yuki said.

"I had liked you that time. When you tried to convince your parent that it was happened by mistake, not done by intentionally," Yuki said of his hand placing on Meling's shoulder.

"You understand people emotions and situations. And I like you have this ability." Yuki said.

Yuki and Meling, were about to each other kiss.

Then only Alice said coming out from the car," Mom, Dad I am also here. Are you both have forgot me? Dad... now you have been 50 and Mom you also now have been 48. Now both of you should be take care, you are in a public place."

Yuki give a small smile and said," We have not forgot you, dear."

"Let's move," Meling respond. And they started to move towards council building.

Council Building

When they started to enter in first room after reaching in council building, that time a person stopped them and asked," where are you going?"

"Today's our daughter's wedding in this wedding hall." Meling said.

He was a black coat person. Who had two horizontal dots on his forehead. That person replied," This is a court room. Wedding room is placing after leaving three rooms."

"I remember, my marriage had been in this hall. Don't know why did they change it." Yuki said. And they started to move there.

Alice asked Yuki," Hey dad, This man's was weird. Why is two dots on his forehead?"

Yuki answered," because he is a Sterile-M."

"Meaning," Alice said.

"They are two types. He is a male Sterile so its name is Sterile-M and a female Sterile calls Sterile-F. And male Sterile have two horizontal dots on his forehead and a female Sterile have three triangle dots on her forehead." Yuki said.

When they reached front of the wedding room Yuki said with happy voice," Alice see... now we finally reached. Where, your tomorrow is waiting. Now you open the door and get ready to join a new family."

Alice started opening the door with blushing when Meling said," wait... your mask. As you know before wedding you can't show your face to your future partner. So first cover your face with mask."

"Thank you mom I wear it." Alice said. And then she wear her mask. And she opened the door.

Wedding Room

After the door opening Alice saw, in the room both of side seats was placed. A red carpet was laid on the door, which was going in the last of the room where a table and seat situated. On the table other side an old man had situated, and reading some paper.

On the one side seats was written brides side and other side Grooms side. Alice and her parents went to sit on seat of bride side. On the groom side a white coat person was sitting to wear a mask. And some black coat people also sitting behind him.

"Weird". Meling said.

"What? " Yuki asked.

"Whenever is gave wedding date and time confirmed, eight to ten couple called. And now, it seems only one groom in the room." Meling said.

"Yes it happens in special marriages. May be he is a grade-one officer or a businessman." Yuki snapped soothing tone.

"Bride and Groom, come here and sit front of me." Old man announced.

White coat mask man stood up in his place after announcement.

"Alice go hurry." Meling said with rushing tone.

When Alice and white coat mask man sited front of old man.

"Today I am both of your Binder. I am going to marry both of you today. We start as soon as my assistant comes." Old man said.

"I have come already." A voice came behind old man. A young boy stood behind old man.

Old man shouted from the boy "You late again. You know it's my last wedding. How will you be a Binder after me." Boy apologized him. "Sorry sir forgive me last time." "It's already last time after that I will retired." Old man snapped. "I will be a good Binder like you, sir." Boy replied.

"Ok, I forgive you. I dropped a message on your phone. You have that." Old man said.

"Yes I have groom's paper. It's in my bag ."Boy snapped. "And where your bag." Old man asked.

"My bag," Boy said unknowing sound. "Oh, My bag that’s in my car." boy surprised.

"Give me one min. I come back." And boy run away in wedding room's front door.

"This stupid boy again. Sorry both of you." Old man grinned.

After some time boy came back with paper and he run on red carpet with waving paper on his hand. He slipped on the carpet near the table. And all papers scattered near the table.

Old man stood with anger and shouted to boy," Fool, Idiot, You can't handle some papers with care."

"Sorry sir... sorry, I collect all them." Boy snapped with cried tone

"You all time doing same type of mistake. Don't show me your fake tear." Old man teased him.

One scattered paper fallen near Alice's foot. She was taken it ,when old man and boy was quarreling. She shivered and run away the room after reading paper.

When Meling saw to Alice run away she also followed her for stoping. "Alice stoping...stoping Alice... what happened? Why are you running."

Yuki glanced Alice reading the paper. he understood, some obnoxious written in paper. He went near table and take that paper. After reading paper Yuki filled of anger and said with getting old man's collar, " Who fixed it wedding. How dare it."

Old man shouted taking Yuki's hands," I am not fixing any wedding. I am only a Binder. I am doing only weddings. All marriages fixe by council."

After seeing it all, two black coat people caught Yuki and one black coat person snapped, " Council has not done anything wrong, your daughter is that, who has done after running."

"Leave him", Groom snapped.

Yuki recognized that voice and he snapped," General Himitsu you are?"

"Yes I am." Groom replied.

"Why are doing this? You... you always opposed council, if they had taken some wrong decision. How to support that decision." Yuki snapped whit crying.

"Yuki I know that, now I can't tell anything why I am agree. Know only's important. Believe on me." Himitsu said with sad.

"Nothing is important than my daughter's life." Yuki shouted. "How council decided? My daughter's future..." he cried.

"You come with me. I want to talk you." Himitsu said.

In Park

Alice was crying sitting on fountain edge in the park. Then her mother reached there.

"You are here. What did happen? Why did you run away from there?" Meling asked with placing her hand on Alice's head.

Alice hugged her mom and started crying more harder, she snapped up." Mom you said that council never do anything that a person hurt. So why with me…?"

"What's happened? What are you talking?" Meling asked her.

"Mom tell me how I adjust with him? He is not fit to me." Alice kept on crying.

"First you calm down then tell me what's happened in there?" Meling asked.

"Why had you come running from there?" She sat her knee.

"Mom, one scattered paper had fallen near my feet and I read that." Alice sobbed.

"What was in the paper? So you scared." Meling snapped up.

"His age..."Alice shouted. "What?...What's your mean?" Meling narrowed eye.

"Mom, tell me How much age difference you and dad?" Alice asked.

"So, that's reason. Your groom is alder than you. How much, Four or five? Alice normally two to five years gap is good." Meling replied.

Meling grinned," look Alice, every couple don't have two year gap. Two five years gap is obvious."

"He is 40." Alice said to asserting.

"What?" Meling shocked. "It's not possible. I think so you have some misunderstanding."

"No.., I read clearly, his age is 40. I have not any misunderstanding Mom." Alice said to asserting.

"She is right." Yuki's voice came behind Meling. She stand and turned over," What? Honey you are joke with me? How is it possible? Council does not do that thing."

"But now it's happened with me Mom." Alice snapped up.

Meling see her with compassionately and said loud voice," If it is true, I would never let your marriage done."

"It's not possible. It marriage... Nobody couldn't stop being. Neither you neither me ,and not only anyone." Yuki said.

"After knowing, he is 40."Meling asked. "Yes, after knowing also." he replied. "Why? You are not love your daughter?" She asked.

"I do...I love her much." He shouted. "But... if... we try to stop it, we would face the consequences." he replied.

"What kind of consequences? They would give us death, and nothing. But I would not give them playing with my daughter future." She snapped.

"Understand, Meling. We cannot fighting against council." He said.

"Yes, because you be cowed." She snapped. "No... I am not." he replied. "So why are you with it." she asked.

"I am not support. I only want she is safe." He replied.

"She is safe? What you mean? Council is trying to destroy our daughter's future. And you are saying, you want she is safe." Meling asked with loud voice.

"Stop...stop..."Alice shouted. She stands up from fountain edge and wiped her tears," I am ready dad."

"Alice you no need do this marriage" Meling snapped.

"No mom, I need it, your life. So I need that marriage." She replied.

"My daughter, I cannot see destroying future." Meling snapped.

"If someone decides to destroy my future, I accept. But I do not want to lose my family." She replied with a loud voice.

Then a black coat person came there." Now time is going. Keep it up hurry."

"We come a couple of min." Alice replied. "Mom, Dad... I am going where my tomorrow is waiting for join a new family."

----End Of Episode----